Site additions, films and remixes...oh my?
I'm still working on the new site design. I've managed to upload the bulk of the content, but need to organize a few things and write up a new Biography. The front page is also looking a bit bare, isn't it?
I will be adding links soon to some new merchandise that is available from my CafePress shops. I designed some t-shirts in support of the last few Testube releases that turned out pretty cool. I am also going to post some photos of my new studio (called "Hollow View") as soon as I can get things cleaned up.
In case you noticed the new "Hire Me" link, there is no need to rub your eyes. You are not hallucinating. I am actually going to start offering my remix services to others for a price. I have decided that it is high time to try and get Testube to support itself in some way. I will be posting additional details soon enough.
In other news, the experimental short film by Michael Lauter that was started back in 2005 is nearing completion, and I just need to finish up the score of the end credits. Michael's film is titled "Refraction" and an unreleased Testube track called "Dysfigurine" will be used as the soundtrack.
I also submitted a remix last month for the I, Parasite remix contest for his new album titled The Sick Are Not Healing. No word yet on the winners of the contest, but you can read all about it at the newly designed I, Parasite website. While you're there, drop Chris a line and some dough for a pre-order.
In revamping this website, I have hitched a ride on a wave of nostalgia, and have been feeling very inspired to create new music. At one point, I must admit that I was considering abandoning the Testube project altogether. I didn't want to be tied to "electro-industrial" music anymore. I wanted to start fresh, once again. But this was a silly notion. I try to "start fresh" with every Testube release as it is.
I was assuming that I would be able to channel my creativity in completely different directions, but I am starting to believe that regardless of what style of music I approach, it will inevitably be stamped with the "Testube" sound. I can't help it. And so, I will continue with this project, and do my best to take that Testube signature sound a bit further with each successive output.