The Audio Experiments of Jeff Danos


Testube remixes collab track by Slighter and Static Logic!

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In 2022, Slighter teamed up with Static Logic for some experiments in electronic deconstructionism. This resulted in two tracks, Mirror In Darkness and Data-Loss. This new ‘Compiled’ collection upgrades your data corruption experience with brand new remixes from SINthetik Messiah, REKT, Testube, Angel Of Violence and more! Pay what you want.  keep reading »

New R010R remix, and a new album on the way!

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R010R just released an old school electro-industrial double album that includes a brand new Testube remix of the song "Litany of Greed". There is also a hidden bonus remix for those who buy the set. Check it out! In other news, my new Testube album "Self-Sabotage" drops on Jan 5th! Can't wait for you to hear it.

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New remix of Testube vs Yluko "Cellstem" collab track!

Excited to share a stompy club remix of the recent collab track "Cellstem" that I did with my friend Yluko!

Free bonus remix of Ztag Pickup

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Hello, my friends! I've just released a new bonus remix of the track "ZTag Pickup", which originally appeared on the 2022 Testube release titled Backwater. This remix didn't quite make it in time to be included on the Forthwater remix album, but I liked the direction it was heading, so I finished it off and am happy to share it with you now for free!

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