The Audio Experiments of Jeff Danos

Digital Releases

Digital Re-Release of 1997 Testube Album "Useable Frequency Response"


Hot on the heels of the digital re-issue of 1997's Second Soul is the re-release of my second full length Testube album titled Useable Frequency Response. It is now available for download via all major online retailers, as well as directly from the Testube Bandcamp page. You can also preview the entire album at Youtube.  keep reading »

Digital Re-Release of 1997 Testube Album "Second Soul"

Second Soul Re-Released

The long out-of-print 1997 Testube full length Second Soul has just been digitally re-released, and is now available for download via all major online retailers, as well as directly from the Testube Bandcamp page. You can also preview the entire album at Youtube.  keep reading »

Testube's Wave of Mutilation is now available!

wave of mutilation

The new Pixies cover song "Wave of Mutilation" that I recorded to help with the Japanese Red Cross Society's tsunami relief is now available! You can hear a preview clip of the track, or purchase it directly from the official Testube music store. The song is also making its way to larger online retailers like iTunes, eMusic, and Amazon and should be available for purchase from those sites soon.

Please help spread the word, and don't forget to also donate directly to one of the more reputable charitable organizations assisting the victims of the tsunami. Thanks!  keep reading »

Pixies cover song to benefit Tsunami victims

Wave of Mutilation

I've just completed recording and mastering a brand new cover version of the classic Pixies track "Wave of Mutilation", as made famous by the popular eighties flick about pirate radio Pump Up the Volume! The slow and melancholy "UK Surf" version of this song has always been one of my favorite songs from the Pixies, and the Testube version stays fairly faithful to the mood and delivery of this tasty soundtrack dirge, while giving it a more electronic contemporary spin.

The new cover version of "Wave of Mutilation" should be available online as a digital single by the end of the week; I'm just waiting for mechanical licensing clearance, since it is a cover song. All proceeds will go to the Japanese Red Cross Society to assist the victims of the recent horrible tragedies in Japan. Please keep the Japanese people in your thoughts. I'll post a follow-up when the digital single goes live.  keep reading »

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