The Audio Experiments of Jeff Danos

Album Releases

Useable Frequency Response Re-Issued

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Useable Frequency Response Re-Issue

I've just re-issued the Testube album titled Useable Frequency Response in digital MP3 format. This album was originally released on UEF Records back in 1997 and has been out-of-print since 1999. If you enjoy dark instrumental electro ala Noise Unit or Mentallo & The Fixer, you will probably dig it. The $5 download includes artwork and all 14 tracks in mp3 format, sampled at 192kbps. Credit card payments are processed by PayPal.

Testube leaves DSBP Records

DSBP Records

I contacted Tommy T. yesterday to inform him that I have withdrawn Testube from the DSBP roster. Unfortunately, it was part of a reply to one of his "sheeple" rants, and I said a few things that I probably shouldn't have. It's a shame that I had to leave the label on a sour note, but I have this nasty little tendency to let things bottle up over time and then unleash the poison tongue. For that, I am sorry.  keep reading »

Post-Apocalypse Re-Issued

Post-Apocalypse Re-Issue

By popular request, I have decided to re-issue all of the old Testube recordings that were sold on UEF Records in digital format. Lower hosting costs, high speed internet access, and my newfound understanding of the PayPal API system have finally made the possibility of full album downloads feasible. 1998's release titled Post-Apocalypse is now available as a digital download for only $5. All tracks were encoded as 192kbps MP3 files and the purchase includes JPG artwork cover and tray card files.  keep reading »

Bioplaza Revisited has been Re-issued

Bioplaza Revisited Re-Issue

I have just re-issued the 2000 bonus remix disc titled Bioplaza Revisited as a complete digital download for only $5. These were tracks that didn't make it onto the Reconstructive Surgery disc for one reason or another, as well as a few tracks that were unreleased at the time.

Click here for the Bioplaza Revisited Re-Issue.

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