The Audio Experiments of Jeff Danos

Audio-splicing madness returns with Genome 4!

Point Source Electronic Arts presents the fourth edition of their stunning "Genome" series!

Each year, they invite music artists to join in this ongoing musical experiment. The songs included are all derived from a provided set of samples, sharing a common sonic lineage but each emerging as something new and unique. I'm excited to once again be included among such stellar electronic wizards.

Industrial Workouts compilation features exclusive Testube remix!

Get your blood pumping with the new Industrial Workouts for Industrial People compilation, assembled by my friends over at the Brutal Resonance music webzine! Packed with a whopping 40 tracks, it even features an exclusive Testube remix.

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New old school industrial track - "Self-Aware"!

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This track has something of an OLD SCHOOL INDUSTRIAL flavor, probably inspired by my friend R010R's recent release Instilling Old​-​School Awareness.

Thematically, it's also a response to the proliferation and impact of AI on the music world. Hence, the robovox pleading with you to see it as "human" and "real". However, there was no AI utilized in the creation of this track or artwork. ;)

Self-Sabotage: A new album for the new year!

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